Welcome to our SEND page. This is your one-stop shop to find out about how we manage SEND in school. There are downloads and links to useful resources as well as useful contact details.
Our SENDCo is Mrs Stanger.
Our SEND govenor is Councillor Mullen.
If you need to speak to anyone in school, please contact the school office.
We are an inclusive school. Children come to Godfrey Ermen Primary with a range of needs and our SEN team work with the children and their families to support the children to access the curriculum at the appropriate level.
Children with identified SEND have Individual Learning Support Plans (LSPs), written by their teachers and support staff, setting out targets for the children to achieve. This forms part of the children's curriculum. LSPs help the teachers to plan activities and support the children to make progress. Teaching assistants and teachers work with the children to deliver quality first teaching and tailored interventions at key times in the week.
At Godfrey Ermen Primary, we work hard to ensure that all pupils:
For more information about SEN at Godfrey Ermen Primary, please read the School Local Offer report and the SEN information report on the left hand side of this screen. This highlights the work that we do in school to support children with SEND.
The Local Authority Local Offer link on the left hand side of the screen provides you with access to information for across Salford. The Local Offer gives information on what’s available locally for children and young people with special educational needs, and their families. The Local Offer provides information about education, health, activities and events, preparing for adult life, and much more. There have been lots of improvements to the Local Offer over the past year to support parents/carers and young people navigate their SEND journey.
If you would like to share any feedback about the Local Offer or have any questions, please contact LocalOffer@salford.gov.uk.
If you want to complain about our school’s SEN support, you should do so whilst your child is registered with us. This includes complaints that school has not provided support required by your child’s Education Health and Care Plan.
Please talk to our special educational needs co-ordinator Mrs Stanger about your complaint. If you do not feel your complaint has been resolved, you should follow our school’s complaints procedure.
If you require paper copies of our policies they are available at the school office.