The admission numbers for the Nursery and Reception age ranges are as follows:
Nursery: 45 full-time or part-time places
Reception: 60 full time places
If the school has a shortage of places, the Governing Body has adopted the Local Authority’s criteria for admission.
Please read the Admissions Policy on the left hand side to find out how to apply and the oversubscription criteria.
Please visit the school application section on the Salford City Council website for all the information you will need to apply for your school place using the link on this page.
If you are part of a Church Congregation, you may want to fill in the Supplementary Form.
The admission arrangements for all schools in Salford have now been determined for entry in September 2023 and September 2024.
Enquiries to look round our school are welcome. For contact details please visit the Contact page.