“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.”

Thessalonians 1 5:11

“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.”

Thessalonians 1 5:11



Y3 Gardening Club Image Maths

School Governors

Being a school governor is a very rewarding job. Governors have the opportunity to support the development of the school, helping to improve the education for the pupils.

What do Governors do?

• Promote high standards
• Set targets for pupil achievement
• Assist with managing the school’s budget
• Discuss current curriculum issues
• Devise action plans to bring about school improvement

Contact with members of the Governing Board should be made through the school office.

There is a team of governors at Godfrey Ermen, with representatives from St Michael’s Church Parochial Church Council (PCC), school staff, parents and the Local Authority (LA).

There are currently vacancies for a Diocesan foundation governor and 1 vacancy for a parent governor. Please click on the links to download information about the Parent Governor Role. 

Governor Details 

Governors 2023-2024
Pecuniary Interests
Previous Governors
Name Appointed By  Term of Office  Role  Responsibility 
Cllr J Mullen  LA 23/7/23 - 22/7/26 LA 

Chair of Governors, 
School Effectiveness, Finance, SEND, Pupil Premium, Headteacher Performance Management 

Fr Ian Hall  Ex Officio  ongoing  Foundation 

Vice Chair of Governors, 
Finance Committee, RE and Worship, Headteacher Performance Management 

Mrs J Wood  PCC  1/2/21 - 2/2/25 Foundation  School Effectiveness 
Miss J Kinch  Ex Officio  28/1/22 Headteacher (Staff)  Finance, Staffing and Premises, School Effectiveness
Mrs A Davies  Staff  3/10/23 - 2/10/27 Staff  School Effectiveness 
Mr J Coxon  PCC 4/10/22 - 3/10/26 Foundation  Finance, Staffing and Premises,  Headteacher Performance Management, Safeguarding 
Mr S Randeniya  PCC  4/10/22 - 3/10/26
Foundation Finance, Staffing and Premises
Mrs E Bell  Parents 20/3/23 - 19/3/27 Parent  Finance, Staffing and Premises 
Mrs S Fox-Manning  PCC 24/4/23 - 23/4/27 Foundation  Chair -  Finance, Staffing and Premises Committee
Mrs K Morris  PCC  24/4/23 - 23/4/27 Foundation  School Effectiveness  
Mrs D Martindale  Diocese December 22 Associate  Chair - School Effectiveness (with voting rights on committee only)  
VACANCY      Parent   
VACANCY      Foundation: Diocese  
Mrs G Stanger  Associate    Associate  School Effectiveness (with voting rights on committee only) 
Name Appointed By Pecuniary Interests Date
Miss J Kinch  Ex-Officio  Committee member of Bolton Chamber Orchestra 
Previously the Executive Headteacher of both Godfrey Ermen and St Philip's CE Primary School. 
Member of Salford Schools Forum.
6 Sep 2023
Mr T Faithwaite Parent Consultant for Axcis
Education - the SEND
supply agency. School Teaching Assistant is related
30 Nov 2021
Cllr J Mullen Authority Local councillor at Salford council, May reflect the views of the LA. Unison Union Membership. 25 Sep 2020
Fr I Hall Foundation Ex-officio Nothing to declare. 30 Jan 2020
Mrs K Morris  Foundation Staff member at St Philip's Primary School   
Mrs S Fox-Manning  Foundation    
Mr S Randeniya Foundation    
Mr J Coxon Foundation    
Mrs J Wood Foundation Not Confirmed  
Mrs E Bell  Parent    
Mrs D Martindale  Associate (Diocese)    
Mrs G Stanger  Associate    
Name Appointed By Term of Office Role Responsibility
Mr T Faithwaite  Parents 1/7/21 - 1/01/2024 Parent  Finance, School Effectiveness 
Mr J Nuttall  Staff  23/1/20 - 31/8/23 Staff  School Effectiveness
Mrs Y-L Collins GB  5/8/19 - 31/8/23 Associate  School Effectiveness, Safeguarding 
Fr A Thompson PCC  1/2/21 - 30/3/23 Foundation School Effectiveness
Mrs N Wild  Parents 26/1/19 - 25/1/23 Parent  School Effectiveness 
Mr M Critch-Higham PCC Term of office ended June 2022 Chair of Governors Chair of Finance Committee, Building Committee member, Curriculum Link Governor
Mrs M Critch-Higham PCC Term of office ended April 2022    
Miss J Carter PCC 19/4/18 -18/4/22 Foundation School Effectiveness member,
EYFS Governor
Mr J Shaw PCC Resigned Spring 2022    

For further information, please see the documents at the left of this page.

Governor Attendance at Meetings

Use the drop down menus below to view the Attendance at meetings for each Governor

Full Governing Board Meetings 2023-24

Governor Name  Governor Role  Autumn 23 - 3.10.23 Spring 24 - 30.1.24 Summer 24 - 23.4.24
Cllr J Mullen  LA (Chair)  Apologies accepted Apologies accepted  Apologies accepted 
Fr Ian Hall  Ex-Officio (Vice-Chair) Apologies accepted Attended  No apologies received 
Miss J Kinch  Ex-Officio (Headteacher)  Attended  Attended  Attended 
Mrs A Davies  Staff Attended  Attended  Attended 
Mrs J Wood Foundation  Attended Attended  Attended 
Mr J Coxon  Foundation  Attended  Attended  Attended 
Mr S Randeniya  Foundation  Apologies  Attended  Apologies accepted 
Mrs S Fox-Manning  Foundation Attended  Attended  Attended
Mrs K Morris  Foundation  Attended  Attended  Attended 
VACANCY  Foundation (Diocesan)  Attended    
Mrs E Bell  Parent  Attended Attended  Apologies accepted 
Mr T Faithwaite  Parent  Attended  (chair) -
VACANCY  Parent  -    
Mrs D Martindale  Associate (Diocese) Attended  Attended  Attended 
Mrs G Stanger  Associate (Staff)  Attended  Apologies accepted  Attended 

Full Governing Board Meetings 2022-23

Governor Name  Governor Type  4.10.2022 31.1.2023 7.2.23 25.4.2023
Cllr J Mullen  LA (Chair) Attended  Attended  Attended  Attended 
Fr I Hall  Ex-Officio (Vice-Chair)  Apologies Accepted   Apologies Accepted  No Apologies revieved 
Mrs J Wood  Foundation  Attended  Apologies  Apologies Accepted  Attended 
Fr A Thompson  Foundation  Attended  Apologies Accepted  Attended  Resigned 
Mrs N Wild  Parent  No apologies  Term of office ended  - -
Mr T Faithwaite  Parent  Attended  Apologies  Apologies Accepted  Attended 
Miss J Kinch  Interim Exec Headteacher  Attended  Attended  Attended  Attended
Mr J Nuttall  Staff  Attended  Apologies accepted  Attended  Attended 
Mr J Coxon  Foundation  Attended  Apologies accepted  Attended  Attended 
Mr S Randeniya  Foundation  Attended    Attended  Attended 
Mrs Y-L Collins  Associate  Attended  Attended  Attended  Attended 
Mrs G Stanger  Associate  Attended  Attended    Attended
Mrs D Martindale  Associate (Diocese) - Attended  Attended  Attended 
Ms E Bell  Parent  - Attended 
Mrs K Morris  Foundation  - - - Attended 
Mrs S Fox-Manning  Foundation  - - - Attended 


Full Governing Body Meetings 2021-22

Name Governor Type 1.10.21 21.01.22 14.6.22
Miss Janice Carter Foundation Attended Attended Attended
Mrs Jenny Clancy Headteacher Attended Attended -
Mrs Natalie Collantine  Parent No Apologies Sent No Apologies Sent Attended
Mrs Yuk-Lam Li Collins Associate Member Attended Attended Attended
Mr Michael Critch-Higham Foundation Attended Attended Attended
Mrs Marjorie Critch-Higham Foundation Attended Attended -
Thomas Faithwaite Parent Attended Apologies accepted  Attended
Rev Ian Hall Foundation Ex-Officio Attended Apologies accepted  Attended
Cllr John Mullen Local Authority No Apologies Sent Attended Attended
Mr John Nuttall Staff Apologies Accepted Apologies acepted  Attended
Jeremy Shaw Foundation Apologies Accepted Apologies accepted 
Mr Al Thompson Foundation Attended Attended No Apologies sent 
June Wood Foundation Attended Apologies accepted  Attended
Gillian Stanger  Associate Member  - - Attended