“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.”

Thessalonians 1 5:11

“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.”

Thessalonians 1 5:11



Science Leads: Mrs Davies & Miss Svolkinas

At Godfrey Ermen, we have an engaging Science curriculum, which encourages the children to explore the world around them. The children will actively gain a deeper understanding of the world we live in, by asking questions and seeking answers. We aim to develop children’s working scientifically and enquiry skills as they progress through the school. We offer the children many opportunities to engage in a variety of scientific enquiries to secure their knowledge. We will extend the use of scientific vocabulary through questioning, predicting and drawing conclusions. Through Science, we aim to give the children the confidence and the skills to be life-long learners who will explore the world around them.

The acquisition of key scientific knowledge is an integral part of our science lessons. Linked knowledge organisers enable the children to learn and retain the important, useful and powerful vocabulary contained within each unit. The progression for skills working scientifically are developed through the year groups and scientific enquiry skills are of key importance within lessons. Scientific knowledge and enquiry skills are developed with increasing depth and challenge as children move through the year groups. They complete investigations and hands-on activities while gaining the scientific knowledge for each unit. To accompany each scientific enquiry taught, there are key assessment questions set. These allow teachers to assess children's levels of understanding at various points in the lesson. They also enable opportunities to recap concepts when necessary. The sequence of lessons helps to embed scientific knowledge and skills, with each lesson building on previous learning. Activities are effectively differentiated so that all children have an appropriate level of support and challenge.


GEMS Science at a Glance

Knowledge Organisers Year 3